Wednesday 2 April 2008

Project Time Estimates

When starting a project, you usually estimate the time each task will take. You then see what tasks are dependent on the completion of others planned, and what tasks can be done simultaneously. After this, you devise a plan which makes the most of the resources available to you; gaining the maximum output in the least time and on budget etc etc.

In this case, the project is Getting Hired, the resources are the careers development unit at university and myself, the budget is variable depending on when I get paid, and the time? Well I estimated 6 months, maybe a little optimistically.

At first the project was running along smoothly- find a prospective job, apply, interview and await the response. Sometimes the job found me, with previously unknown agents picking my CV from a site, or seeing my portfolio and getting in touch.

One such job was with a huge company, massive in the technology field. They needed a European Energy Advisor who had knowledge of Product Design. I thought I was too young- at 21 you can hardly command your week very well, let along advise the mid to top level management throughout Europe of environmental legislation! Anyway, following a successful phone interview with the agent, a CV evaluation and another phone interview with the company, I was called down for a face to face interview. At this point there were between 5 and 10 candidates remaining, none of which had my limited experience. I traveled for 8 hours on public transport and sat in a very flash reception only to be caught out by... wait for it.... my age.

Which they knew beforehand.

They did seem impressed by my attitude though, a characteristic which later interviewers also reported as being professional.

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