Wednesday 28 May 2008

Renewed Postings

Apologies for the long delay in posting anything new, a lot has been happening over the past couple of weeks regarding my grandfather.

Yesterday I was at his funeral in Banbury, a beautiful service and enlightening to say the least. I had never known how he had changed his path from farming to being one of the top Physicists at the Rutherford labs, nor had I know about his senior position at Searne. As far as I knew, he was simply happy in his work researching on a variety of topics.

Alongside this revelation, I met up with my Nanna's brother, Dr D. Jefferies; a man I have little recollection of meeting before. I must have been very young when we did meet because he certainly knew me. I found out that he was heavily involved in the early Environmental movements, was is responsible for bringing the Otter and Peregine Falcon, among others, from certain extinction. He also has over 200 papers published, his very first in Nature.

Earlier in the weekend a friend and I went for a short break to a log cabin (solar electric lights, wood aga and all the lights are LED's) and met her uncle, who upon hearing of my career aspirations and chatting with me all weekend, gave me his card to look up the company he works for.

What do they say about silver linings?

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