Thursday 15 April 2010

Shock upon shock

I got invited back for a second interview. Unfortunately I was abroad on the date they specified so telephoned to explain how keen I was (the presentation looked interesting) and they promised to find another date.

So I chased for approximately a week and they told me they'd found a suitable candidate in the meantime. Hardly professional, but I don't really get to judge.

Anyway, back to the Manchester side and I'm back at the books trying to put interesting bits into a table for evaluation on the research project. I once again sat in a meeting feeling totally lost but nodding and trying to look intelligent. On the upside, I asked another researcher how she felt about the meetings and she said that she too sat there in silence because she felt out of her depth. She has a Ph. D. Eek.

I had an interview today for a bar job, perks include free use of the gym and discounts at the chain. Sadly they seemed to be looking for a 16 year old they could pay a reduced wage for and keep through later education, so I'm not entirely sure why they bothered inviting me to come if they knew my age. Still, I kept a cool head, friendly, laughed, joked, asked questions and generally suggested I'd be a great waitress. You never know...

Other than that the career hunt has stagnated a little recently. I'm finding it difficult to get enthuesed about anything if I'm honest. I found an internship in Environmental Appraisal in Berlin and a Ph.D. in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Copenhagen, both of which should in theory have me bouncing like a squirrel finding its buried nuts but have left me feeling apathy and a little angry that I'm not excited.

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