Saturday 8 May 2010

Yes, it's a Saturday night and I'm sat, sans make-up, short dress, heels, glass of wine, music and friends, in front of my screen. Tapping away like some hermit in a tower.

The reason for this sad state of affairs is my PhD proposal, which scarily I have become quite attached to. I missed reading journal articles, pulling them apart and wondering how I'd have done it better. I even did that whilst acting as a receptionist for BMW... now that is multi-tasking!

The proposal is nearly done, my poor proofreaders are also nearly done in, which clearly means I offer a round or three.

I have my fingers crossed it a) gets to its destination on time and b) that it impresses, because I actually quite like the idea of doing this research. Even if it does mean learning another language, struggling along a little in my own tongue, being lost in a foreign city and pondering the ins and outs of a foreign utility bill system.

This weekend my aim is to complete my reference list, fill in the application form, find my degree certificates and compile the application pack. And then wonder if Royal Mail can handle it.

I am aware that I am rambling in an effort to avoid going back to it. I wonder if there's anyone out there who actually enjoys referencing their work?

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