Friday 18 June 2010

My next task

... on the list of things to do is to create my Elevator Speech. I remember my lecturer telling us that we should have one about each project we were working on, today I saw someone talking about using one in job hunting.

Using this link I can hopefully craft a winning message with which to very swiftly explain what I do, what I want to do and how I'll wow everyone.

But first, I intend to sleep. It's 11:36pm and I have to meet a friend at work.

Monday 7 June 2010

Of course, rowing is fairly strenuous activity.

Guess what I'm banned, doc's orders, from doing? I did wonder why at 100 reps I was feeling tired. Isotretinoin results in early muscle fatigue, thus strenuous activity is not allowed.


Checked the weather report for tomorrow and it looks like my picnic is off as well. Having a great morning!

Will get on with the job hunt instead. Maybe that will turn out well...

Been a while- again!

I hear back from the application at the end of June. As I've probably said a million times, fingers crossed but breath not held.

Suzanne's was an adventure, but not really for telling to the world. Suffice to say despite the setbacks I had a lovely time and made several personal leaps forward.

Clinging onto the rail as I made my second, calm and relaxed journey via the underground in Rome, I realised that five years ago I'd have laughed until I cried if you'd have predicted where I'd be. Abroad, alone, willingly and happily travelling on public transport. You see five years ago I was scared to leave my own flat, even to go to the laundry room in the same block. Little by little I've gained the confidence I lost through the extended incident and I've doubled it and doubled it until I've had the confidence of a normal person.

Even more exciting perhaps, was the conversation I had with a florist the day before I left. I had a few minutes to kill before Suzanne finished work and, despite her objections, was attempting to get a small token with which to thank her and her parents. I went into a florist shop, looked around and upon being asked if I was alright, described to the shopkeeper how I was on holiday and staying with a friend and her parents, and wished to buy some flowers. We had a brief discussion in which we established I might actually prefer a plant, then moved onto the fact that she already had Orchids in her window.

Strangely, I hadn't even reistered that I knew the words for all of that, nevermind how to string them into a (grammatically incorrect) but understandable sentence or three.

I left empty handed because I simply couldn't afford anything, but I left feeling a weird sense of acomplishment.

Sure, I didn't know the language. I didn't know the culture. I didn't even know the way home, as the route was covered on the tourist map by an advert. I did, however, manage. Very well, considering. I even exceeded my own expectations, the worst critic ever is the best to amaze.

Now I'm back, skin dried from the treatment I started again, and onto the job hunt once more.

I will get up tomorrow, row for a bit, try a little Yoga and get down to the serious job of finding a career.

Oh, and plotting my birthday.