Thursday 25 November 2010

2 months in...

... and this job is driving me insane.

Don't get me wrong, I love the thought of kids having fun. I even feel slightly proud that one of my designs has been approved and is going to give some disabled kids a better play experience.

But frankly, approx. £27,000, two dissertations and a short stint on a research team and my boss can't even bring himself to call me anything other than the admin girl?


I have two bosses. One stands over my shoulder and treats me like I'm six and can't do anything right. He springs questions on me relating to the problem I was working on twenty problems ago (two hours maybe?) and looks at me like I need a brain transplant when I ask "which xyz are we on now?" because he jumps between them and fails to explain which he's asking about.

The other just seems passive. He's good at getting the orders and is pleasant to have around but he shows no real commitment to learning the software he bought (and that I got trained in) and shrugs his shoulders and problems on the shop floor.

The works manager seems to have mis-read his job description and lets the lads walk all over him, resulting in him doing most of the work. He then threatens to resign every Monday. Lucky me, I'm always in early and get my ears torn to shreds with his rants about women (how nasty, backstabbing and greedy we are, with the occasional nod to the fact that I might not be) and rants about his boss(es).

I don't really take a lunch break and therefore work 9 hours pretty much straight with occasional wanders down to the kettle.

I'll admit it, I'm going slightly potty.

It's taking my fight out of me.

I honestly do not care that my Uncle has fallen out with me because I hurt his feelings (by being uncomfortable with his sexual relationship with a schoolmate of mine), and I genuinely am just being washed over with the negative attitudes and arguments of my parents.

No wonder I go out and my friend meets a stunning guy whilst I get called a moody cow because I don't find his wingman attractive. Hello, insult much to assume the wingwoman is that desperate?

Anyway, Christmas soon.

I can spend another time of the year remembering how sad and pointless my current existence is, as well as be reminded by my super-duper engineering brother that he's going to single handedly save the world from capitalism.

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