Wednesday 28 September 2011

Chocolate in the Autumn

So, things that happened since last time:
  1. My paper on Hybridity was written, submitted and has been accepted.
  2. The guy picked up the 'phone and texted.
  3. The interview was conducted, transcribed and summarized.
  4. Ricardo to made some sense.
Unfortunately I decided that the guy really wasn't worth the effort (what kind of guy dates women with any self respect when he's simply waiting to marry his currently absent ex?) and am waiting for him to arrange our second date so I can tell him it's a bad idea and see you around sometime.

Next, I'm sat here at work trying to understand Negri on Keynes and, naturally enough, reaching for the bar of Maribou chocolate in my desk drawer. As I munch slowly, I recall a conversation with my mother recently in which I bemoaned the lack of decent chocolate in Sweden. Alright, so there's expensive stuff at 30 Skr for perhaps 200g, but I'm a girl. Realistically I'd spend most of my wages to achieve that chocolate induced haze of contentment as often as I'd like.

She was joking that she'd send me a rescue package with some Cadburys' Milk chocolate. Just the bar. Oh God yes please.

In a slightly related story, Tescos have security tagged their Cadburys' stock. Well, if you must loot...

Right, back to work.

The colours here are lovely, hence the sparkly new and updated look to my blog!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Things that I would like today:

  1. My paper on Hybridity to write itself.
  2. The guy to pick up the 'phone and call.
  3. The interview to conduct itself.
  4. The guy to realise I'm English and therefore extremely unlikely to call him, even if I was madly in love (I'm not).
  5. Ricardo to make perfect sense.
As you can tell all of these require other things to happen for me. Why am I so lazy? Well right now I feel like I've been flattened by a hormonal, tired wreck of a truck. Next week I start my second bout of Swedish lessons, except (whoopee!) the level I signed up for has been cancelled so I've been bumped to the more advanced level.

Urgh. Bed, wherefore art though so far away and behind so many deadlines in my future?

Friday 9 September 2011

No Yorkshire puddings for me!

Despite spending 5 days in the UK I failed spectacularly to find anywhere serving Yorkshire puddings. I did however fit in a fantastic curry and a wonderfully large volume of real English beer.

Oh, and I did some work too.

I got enough observations for the basis of not just one paper, but several, as the entire dynamics of the project changed entirely. Jättekul!

It's actually a little odd to spend a few days in close proximity to a group socially and to study them as objects. I should probably note here that whilst the people are fascinating it's the project I'm studying. Anyway, everything seems quite exciting and my boss seems rather pleased with the data I collected - he even went as far as saying that I had a good observation eye, although presumably that's in the plural and he doesn't think I'm blind in the other.

Anyway, off to shop for a housewarming party :)

Friday 2 September 2011

Airport Joys

I'm sat here in Arlanda getting a crash-course from some posh Southern t*** about how the education system in the UK has been the sole cause of the economic crisis. Ha. If only he knew a contradiction to his entire argument was sat behind him.

From this moment on I shall swear to know nothing in full. As he is proving, a little knowledge makes a huge prat.

Anyway, although the next few days are due to be extremely daunting I'm bound to learn something interesting. At the very least it's a challenge, so I should develop personally alongside the study.

I hope also to gain the trust of the engineers. I feel that life will be easier for everyone if we feel a freedom and comfort to talk about what is happening and why. David has some interesting theories on how the economics might be a factor. More on that later, if it proves to be a correct direction.

Aah, back to England. English tea. Fish and chips. Sunday roasts. Yorkshire pudding. Pie!