Friday 2 September 2011

Airport Joys

I'm sat here in Arlanda getting a crash-course from some posh Southern t*** about how the education system in the UK has been the sole cause of the economic crisis. Ha. If only he knew a contradiction to his entire argument was sat behind him.

From this moment on I shall swear to know nothing in full. As he is proving, a little knowledge makes a huge prat.

Anyway, although the next few days are due to be extremely daunting I'm bound to learn something interesting. At the very least it's a challenge, so I should develop personally alongside the study.

I hope also to gain the trust of the engineers. I feel that life will be easier for everyone if we feel a freedom and comfort to talk about what is happening and why. David has some interesting theories on how the economics might be a factor. More on that later, if it proves to be a correct direction.

Aah, back to England. English tea. Fish and chips. Sunday roasts. Yorkshire pudding. Pie!

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