Sunday 15 November 2009

Grammar and Keyboards

Okay, I'll admit I have had my follicularly challenged moments (blond, for those of you ignoring the PC terms) but in my defence I've never needed to get å, ä and ö on my keyboard. Anyway, at the tender age of 23 and through a little subtle investigative work I've done it.

Yay for me.

Onto the second point.

Stephen Fry can read a guide book to a language once and speak it fluently. I'm a firm believer in formulae. If something works, stick to it. Physics sorted it. Chemistry confused it. Biology used it and Maths proved it. Even language uses it.

If I know how the building blocks go together then I can put them together myself rather than learn set phrases which sound great but leave me stumped when I get a reply. I sat down and approached Swedish grammar like a formula and I think it's working. I'm learning vocab almost by accident and I vaguely understand why the Swedes have -en and -ett nouns and why these change to similar endings when pluralised... actually I really have no clue why that happens. The grammar book says it just does, and we have to just know it.

I'm going to Sweden this week to sort the house out for the winter, drink gallons of crap coffee and maybe do some DIY and hiking. Mostly though, I will get to shower in clean water and wear no make-up because nobody gives a damn.

If I don't come back I've either:
  1. Found the only hot Swede in the rural areas (they all appear to be in Göteborg or Stockholm!)
  2. Run away to join the circus
  3. Died by messing up on driving solo abroad for the first time in a left-hand drive car

Puss och kram. x

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