Tuesday 3 November 2009

A gazilion and one

I feel like I've applied for a gazillion jobs. Seriously. You would not think that having reception, admin, call centre, retail and an advanced degree would make it so hard to find a job. My fingers are crossed in the hope that my loan payments will not fall into arrears, but my breath is not held.

In other news, I keep bumping into Scandinavians. First there were the Swedes on the train chattering away in a Southern accent, then the Norwegians in town (Liz, Cat etc should remember this) after the beer festival (great event, amazing atmosphere, fantastic ales) who requested a photo because we were English. Is it a sign, or just the football?

I'm understanding more Swedish now, forming my own sentences now I have a better idea of the grammar. I'm not great at recalling words but when I see or hear them I understand. Sadly my French isn't improving, mostly because I haven't been studying.

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