Wednesday 14 July 2010


Sorry to start with a Jim Carrey line. Believe it or not I'm not a huge fan. I went for a stroll to the next village yesterday (sounds very Austen, but is in actual fact just the next collection of shops across the dual carriageway) with mum and bumped into one of her customers. Today mum was at work and the customer came in and told her I was beautiful.

I don't often get compliments and although a part of me suspects mum may be making up the whole story to instill some semblance of self esteem in me, I would be quietly pleased that someone thought that.

Anyway, onto the exciting stuff. I went mad and splashed out on a shiny piece of kit, all £1.97 for a pedometer. The healthy human walks approximately 10,000 steps each day, burning around 450 kcals. I put the thing on at around midday and at 11:30pm I've hit the grand total of.... 745.


To make up for my complete lack of physical activity I did apply for three jobs today, all of which hold some sort of excitement. I'm waiting with bated breath to hear back from the poor people I coughed at for an hour had an interview with last week. I would actually quite like the position and they seem to be quite innovative which would interest me, help develop my career and enable them to see if my degree is actually of any use.

Again a short and sweet post, followed by a little relaxation and hopefully a non-eventful night's sleep. For the past three nights I've had very odd dreams...

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