Thursday 22 October 2009

Still nothing...

Still actively waiting. By this I mean applying for more, chasing old applications and occasionally getting upset with my CDL provider.

In order then:

Have four applications that I'm halfway through. The main stumbling block appears to be "What has been your most significant non-academic achievement?" Hmm. I survived being attacked by a lunatic? Makes me sound like I'm after a pity job. I tackled other girls into the mud in the name of sport? Makes me sound like a butch lesbian. I ate more than my dad aged 7. Ha! That's more like it.

I rang the Danish uni, failed to get through to either lecturer or course admissions tutor, so settled for e-mailing. Only one replied saying I should have had a written confirmation of my application. Erm, no. But at least I know that's not dead.

Got annoyed with the CDL provider today. They said I may be eligible for a deferment on my payments, so I rang and found out that because my benefits application has been lost and I've since worked a grand total of two days since I finished my course I am now ineligible. Bastards. Am going to ring the arrears dept. on Monday.

I can't tomorrow because BMW called me back for another day. Clearly I didn't break the coffee machine. At least I look good to the agent now.

I'm going to be watching the debate tonight on Question Time, purely to witness Griffin hang himself with whatever noose he is provided.

Don't get me wrong- benefit cheats, spongers, illegal immigrants and tax dodgers are among my pet peeves (and I'd gladly kick them, hard) but focusing on race, religion and exclusion is just plain wrong. The man should be ashamed, not least because there were videos of him on Youtube cuddling up to the KKK.

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