Wednesday 10 March 2010


Currently I'm waiting for my Visiting Researcher pass to gain access to the IT and library systems at uni. I also get a key to, and a desk in, the PhD students room. Okay, it's not paid but it's experience and I'm seeing it as a free learning experience at a top university. I'm happy about the project too, it's all about sustainability and firms doing innovative things with their resources, which is excellent.

I'm struggling a bit on the money front though. I'm temping but I'm lucky if I get a couple of days a week and clearly once my funds start running out next month I'll be in trouble with the Career Development Loan people. My shoes are falling apart yet I can't justify the expense of a new pair, even for my interview next week. I've applied for 12 new part time jobs this week to keep my voluntary going on a little bit longer (despite the fact I've only just started), but past experience leads me to believe I will not be receiving a reply from any of them.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder if I'm living in cloud cuckoo land in considering doing a PhD. Where's it going to get me really, other than even more into the "over-qualified" section of job applicants for Greggs. The thought of studying abroad is exhilarating and would clearly be a huge addition to my CV; however if the thought of moving to Glasgow scares me... well it's not the big things. It's the small stuff like public transport in a new area, putting the right bins out, being in the right place at the right time. Silly things. Things normal people don't worry about in life. I guess I'm just a little weird and there's no reason for me to allow that fear to hold me back.

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